The Collings-Knight House is presently used, as much as possible, according to the wishes of Charles Chase. Although it is technically a museum, the house is a meeting-place for several local organizations. It is open to the public for tours and special programs each month, and since 2009 the House has been the venue for the very popular theatrical presentation, Shades of Poe. In May and June, students from Collingswood and other nearby schools visit for programs on local history and early NJ farm life.
We welcome groups that would like to call the Collings-Knight House “home”. Local organizations are invited to visit for a tour, hold a meeting, or have a workshop or program at the House. We also invite teachers to inquire about the school programs currently available, and suggest others they would like us to offer.
Anyone familiar with old houses knows that the work is never done. Besides regular (and occasionally unexpected)maintenance, several large projects remain. Recently, someone tried to steal the air conditioning condenser, but only succeeded in irreparably damaging the unit. Replacement will cost $5,000. Plans are also underway for rebuilding the back porch ($25,000) and replacing the fence ($10,000). The Friends have also secured plans for barrier-free access to the house, which would open the first floor to those who cannot manage steps (see Building For the Future).
About 95% of our preservation and restoration projects have been funded by grants from Camden County, private foundations, event revenue, membership fees and donations. If you would like to be part of the restoration effort and continued development of this important historic site, please consider a gift to our building and restoration fund. The Friends of Collings-Knight House is a New Jersey non-profit organization, so all gifts are fully tax-deductible, and 100% of your gift goes toward restoration and improvement of the site.